Where is the definition of ::IsValid(const UObject* Object)?

// here is a code segament of
// \Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Classes\Kismet\KismetSystemLibrary.h

FORCEINLINE_DEBUGGABLE bool UKismetSystemLibrary::IsValid(const UObject* Object)
	return ::IsValid(Object); // Here ! I can't navigate to it's definition by any way...

Give a man a fish than giving the fishing, how could I find this kind of code manually by myself next time?

I would guess it’s in the UObject.h, because it’s the base for all UE objects? (Engine/Source/Runtime/CoreUObject/Public/UObject/Object.h)

FORCEINLINE bool IsValid(const UObject *Test)
	return Test && !Test->IsPendingKill();