I thought that I already had my answer to be able to change the friction in the materials through bp, but it turns out that in one of the answers which has an image of the answer that option is lost which is “Set Friccion”, I have been looking for some other suggestions where they are but nothing about that post, does anyone know where exactly this is or what happened to the “set friction” option? by the way also try the recent versions to see if it was not a problem of the old version but the same problem persists, if someone knows something about this would be good for many people too, thanks.
That blueprint may have been a “Physical Material Blueprint” add a new Blueprint Class and type in “Physical Material” and then choose the Physical Material Blueprint Class. Open that blueprint and you’ll notice there are settings for Friction and Override Functions for Friction.
I don’t know if it was changed in the latest engine build, but when I tried doing the same about six months ago there was no way of changing the friction value in the physics material, so I ended up creating two similar physics materials with different friction values and just swapped them when needed. So I’m pretty sure you can’t change the friction value through the blueprints.
thanks for the answer, I will see if I contact someone who is a developer in the engine to find out, if I find the answers to this, I will post them here for all