Where is FOR loop in Editor Utility Widget in UE 4.26.2?

I cannot find FOR loop and other flow control commands in Editor Utility Widget in UE 4.26.2. Is it OK or bug?
Is there other way to make for loop in Editor Utility Widget in UE 4.26.2?

I can see the for loop on UE 4.26.2 release version in Editor Utility Widget. So most likely you have an issue.

  • If you untick context-sensitive do
    you see the for loop in flow control?
  • Have you tried making a new project
    and checking there?

In existing project, even in Library in Palette, there is no FOR loop and other flow controls. There is only FOREACH Enums. New project has FOR loop. Thank you for your help.

Just for evidence. Flow control and Array exist, but without FOR loop, in existing project.

@Cytrix86 This is crazy but its exactly true. no for loops, unless i create a new project ;/ wtf.

Same issue here until I created a new project

But what I did was creating a project in 4.27 on my laptop, moved the project to my PC and opened with 4.26 which gave me much more issues

Now as I created a new project I see every node that should exist there

Glad I just started with the project xD

Faster way: find a BP in same project (i.e. Character BP), then find (or add) the illusive for each loop, copy, return to user widget and paste. Worked for me, after creating a new project didn’t.


Still a useful tip in 5.1


Still a useful tip in 5.3

This seems to be an issue with trying to use a standard macro in a widget inside a project that hasn’t used that standard macro anywhere else yet.

Bizarrely, just creating a BP class and adding one of the macros from the Standard Library (For Each Loop, For Loop, Is Valid, etc.) to its graph will make those macros also available inside user widgets.

So: quick fix, make a Blueprint class, add one of those macros to it, compile, and then switch back to your widget.

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