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What Type of Bug are you experiencing?
Verse has a where
clause which helps to define parametric types or constraints. However in some code styles there are limits such as a max character width per line. In such situations the code must be properly line wrapped and formatted.
The current verse build (v26.00 Fortnite) does not allow to wrap the where
keyword, nor its first element to the next line.
Steps to Reproduce
(Input: [key]value).Func(
Key: key,
Value: value where key: subtype(comparable), # compiler enforces no line wrapping
value: type # second where clause element wrapped
): void = {}
Expected Result
(Input: [key]value).Func(
Key: key,
Value: value
where # where keyword on the next line
key: subtype(comparable), # first where clause element wrapped
value: type # second where clause element wrapped
): void = {}
Observed Result
Compile time error: Expected expression or ), got where in parenthesized parameter list