Where can I find Trees & Bushes?


I would like to know where I can download many types of Trees like Palm Trees & More, also Bushes. Is there a Website I can download this off and import it to UE4?

Thanks for your help! :slight_smile:


Are you looking for SpeedTree files specifically or anything?

4.3 preview has the SpeedTree plugin integrated but there is only one tree I believe. You can always visit their store to download more.

There i some more information about SpeedTree assets here.

If you’re looking for 3d models of trees that can come from any source there are a number of sites that offer free and paid models.

A google search for “3D Models” brings up a list of sites like TurboSquid, TF3DM, and CGTrader.



you can try the free foliage from OliverMH

on this side you can buy 3D-models: