Where can I find a list of default collision channels?

Ive made a collision profile in my project’s DefaultEngine.ini with the following list of channels:

(Channel=Static,            Response=ECR_Overlap), \
(Channel=PawnMovement,      Response=ECR_Overlap), \
(Channel=Dynamic,           Response=ECR_Overlap), \
(Channel=PhysicsBody,       Response=ECR_Overlap), \
(Channel=VehicleMovement,   Response=ECR_Overlap), \
(Channel=Destructible,      Response=ECR_Overlap), \
(Channel=Camera,            Response=ECR_Ignore), \
(Channel=Projectile,        Response=ECR_Overlap) \

I got this list from the AnswerHUB but have noticed some of the channel names don’t match whats listed in the editor.
Are these correct? and if not, where can I find a correct list?

Edit → Project Settings… → select Collision on the left → expand the “Preset” tab at the bottom. Contains a list of all the active collision profiles in your project.