Hello, experienced Unity user new to unreal here.
I’m trying to create an Actor Component which will respond to overlap events so that it can be used on multiple actors which all respond to overlaps in the same way.
Looking at the [documentation][1], through “Add Event” → “Collision” it says there is an “Event ActorBeginOverlap” available however when I try to do this in my blueprint, the only items under “Add Event” are “Add Custom Event…”, “Event Begin Play”, “Event End Play” and “Event Tick”. Is the documentation that bad that it includes events that plain don’t exist, or am I missing something here? (I sincerely hope it’s the latter)
You need add collision component for your Actor.
After that, you can add a collision event in two ways. Click the right mouse button on the component collision and select the desired event from the dropdown menu. Or, select a component of a collision. Scroll down the Detail and press the green button to add the desired events.
When you have added the necessary collision event, you can use it.
Thanks for the very thorough answer, but how do I do this for a generic collision volume (primitive?) without tying it to a specific actor? I really don’t want behaviour tied to specific geometry and it seems like that is the way with an actor instead of a component.
You can add to scene Trigger Box volume. Then open Level Blueprint (Trigger Box must be selected). Right click inside Level BP and select needed event.
This is still tied to a particular set of geometry, even though it is now owned by the level instead of the actor - I want a reusable component which does not require a specific type of geometry - i.e., it should work for a box, sphere or capsule collider, whichever one happens to be attached to the actor.