When you load the level, you will get an assert in the Niagara component

When I read the level, I got the following assertion.

Assertion failed: !IsInRenderingThread() || GPUInstanceCountBufferOffset == INDEX_NONE [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Plugins/FX/Niagara/Source/Niagara/Private/NiagaraDataSet.cpp] [Line: 532]

When I looked at the log file when this assert was issued, I found the following description.

Warning: WorldNC Pool trying to reclaim a system for which it doesn't have a pool! Likely because SetAsset() has been called on this NC.
 | World: 000001EBDF76D600 | NC: 000001EF372B2B00 | Sys: NiagaraSystem /Game/A_Surface_Footstep/Niagara_FX/ParticleSystems/PSN_Turf_Good.PSN_Turf_Good

Error: World Niagara System Pool is reclaiming a component that is not in it's InUse list!

Warning: UNiagaraComponentPool::PooledComponentDestroyed: Component is marked as FreeInPool but does not exist

Warning: UNiagaraComponent::BeginDestroy: Component (000001ECD9F9D600 - NiagaraComponent None.None:NiagaraComponent_1381) Asset (NiagaraSystem /Game/A_Surface_Footstep/Niagara_FX/ParticleSystems/PSN_Turf_Good.PSN_Turf_Good) is still pooled (4) while destroying!

Probably there was a problem with destroying Niagara’s components,
Why is this happening?

Just a hint is enough, so it would be very helpful if you could teach me.

I too am getting this error randomly now in my 5.2.1 Oculus branch project. Upon pressing play in the editor, I recieve the error: ‘LogNiagara: Error: World Niagara System Pool is reclaiming a component that is not in it’s InUse list!’ repeatedly. Worried this is the cause to my .apk not working in this new version