We’ve tried importing paks, importing objects by themselves, and using import plugins. But absolutely nothing is working to import assets in a runtime build (or in the editor). Does anyone know when this will be fixed in UE5?
We’ve tried importing paks, importing objects by themselves, and using import plugins. But absolutely nothing is working to import assets in a runtime build (or in the editor). Does anyone know when this will be fixed in UE5?
What type of assets? There’s a runtime audio plugin which lets you use mp3 and wav etc
Uasset files namely. Like we have an application that we build once and distribute, and then supply new content packages without users needing to get an update of the original application. So, for example, we tried having a .pak file that contained a 3d model and materials + textures for it. Unreal (both in editor and builds) can read the pak file, see its contents, can mount it, but then when pulling content from the PAK it fails every time saying the files don’t exist. Seems to be an issue with Unreal.
Alright, that makes sense. I don’t know how to do that. What I do remember is that there are generic file unpackers out there for UE games which might be able to repack as well. Some older UE games like Life Is Strange and Borderlands I remember have graphics mods which require a user to use an external tool to inject them, hack basically. Makes me wonder if such support improved by now.
Sadly what I’ve been finding is the support just isn’t there. Like there are plugins but I haven’t seen them work, and so many forum posts of people asking about this, but also no responses. And like you said the external apps for modding but thats pretty different from what we need unfortunately. What’s kinda maddening is in Unity I can do this in a day easy, so I’d be surprised if it’s not also in Unreal, but it doesn’t seem to be?
I know what you mean, I used to distribute patches on XRay Engine all the time by just packing only patch files that I wanted to override older files. The difference there was that my patches were all common source formats (models, Lua, configs, audio etc.) there was no Blueprints or UAsset in the middle of it all. UAsset itself might just be one more reason for trouble, they need to be processed to create the final data. What exactly the result is of that I don’t know.
UAssets don’t just act like importers, it’s awkwardly in the middle of not source and not final. I’m not even sure if you can create one externally as a “mod” be it a simple texture replacer, and just drag it into the project to act like a patch. Normally when you manage UAssets in a project there is an entire tracking system in place keeping track of what package an asset belongs to, what data formats it depends on, redirects etc. If it is a mod tool you wish for then I expect trouble.
Thankfully I’m out case it’s def not a mod tool - it’s more like… Here’s our game, but we want to release new characters and props for users to load into the game forever, but without ever releasing an update to the game itself.
That’s good to know so uhm, I imagine something like Spore where you can list a bunch of pre built creatures and buildings which you provide as PAK files for people to optionally download and use in-game? There’s still the option to build things procedurally if that fits your project… Then you could provide a list of instructions for your generators as text or save file format. I’m out of more ideas
you would need engine support
Just checking, have you seen these?
Patching, Content Delivery, and DLC in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation
How to Create a Patch in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation
The docs can tell you more about PAKs than I can
If you have any log file of it that might point at something
I actually have! The DLC and Patch setup doesn’t work the way we need, and pak loading is totally broken in UE5.
(But thank you for the links, I appreciate it!)
It would be very optimistic that this works but
Loading and Using New Assets at Runtime - #2 by SupportiveEntity
Just tried that and same result - Unreal cannot even find the files.
How are you mounting your pak file? I’ve been able to mount paks at runtime and load objects using StaticLoadObject
I had the same issue as you, and got frustrated. But In the end I saw that the way I had to call the filename is different from what I expected.
So here is a example on how to load a material from a pak I had created manually (I did load this during startup when the project starts).
UMaterial* MyUMaterial = NULL;
MyUMaterial = LoadObject<UMaterial>(nullptr, TEXT("/MyProject/MYMATERIAL.MYMATERIAL"));
The thing that you notice is the name is put in as filename and after the ‘.’ as well.