When will path tracer be available on Mac OS?

We have purchased new Macbook Pros using M1Max chip prior to the launch of Twinmotion 2022. We have been using apple hardware equipments for over 25 years.

Big Q: Shall we wait patiently for a new update or shall we look for other alternatives?

Please understand we like your software but we can’t change a habit of a lifetime.

Best regards,

H Khennouchi


Hello there and thank you for reaching out, this is indeed a hot topic ;)

Unfortunately, It's more a hardware/driver issue on Apple's side at this stage.

Until Apple officially supports raytracing/path tracing, there's nothing we can do on our side for now.

Thank you

I have contacted Apple Mac support who say they will update their system to accommodate the full use of the software and that communication is essential between Epic Games and Apple for software compatibility.

You have yourselves announced that early this year the path tracer would have been available on Mac computers using the M silicon chip. It is frustrating but I really hope the new update will happen soon and allow us to celebrate Twinmotion capabilities and make it one of the best product on the market regardless of being a PC or Mac user.

I completely agree with you and hope this will be available soon :)

Good morning, I have been a user of Twinmotion since before it belonged to the epic game and it is a program that I love the evolution it is having. I changed my laptop PC for a mac recently for different reasons and I thought I could take advantage of the full potential of the m1max chip and twinmotion, but months go by and we users are still the same...

Is there an approximate date to be able to use path tracer on mac M1s?

Thank you very much.

It would be good to receive updates from Twinmotion on this topic from time to time as we Mac users are so very frustrated by these recent developments !!!

Why does the team of the Twinmotion work so slow about this?

Still updating 2022.2 slowly and with bugs, even on the Windows system.

Even Enscape for Mac beta already came out. I think they are using Vulkan API for M1 Mac to run.

WWDC2022 Metal 3 just came out now, and it seems like some AAA games could come out in late 2022 or 2023, will this be possible for Twinmotion to change? There are so many designers changing their Windows laptops into the new MacBook Pro, everyone loves to carry a light and beautiful laptop for work, we are only waiting for apps to natively work on the Apple silicon chips.

Or because there's a problem between Epic Games and Apple? So only work for Nvidia and Wintel?

Maybe Mac users are the minorities for Twinmotion?

Unity can natively support M1. And when will the Unreal Engine?

I don't think that this is only Apple's hardware or driver issue.

We are waiting so long and are very frustrated about this.

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I hope you guys keep in mind that, in the moment, Intel chip is the most used.

Hoping and waiting for the day when Twinmotion. (Epic Games) will be more inclusive…

Any updates with path tracer vs Macs? I have an M1Max here itching to go and thought half my problem was that I was on a 2018 Mac Pro....

It's sad, in the office we only have Mac computers since ever. No news form epic or any support, I guess we will have to find another software solution and quit Twinmotion.

We NEED PT on Mac's. This is the one pinch point holding TM back from being the best render software out there.

The UI and User experience is great but the lack of PT is a real pain!

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waiting for updates with path tracer vs Macs Please!!!

Another Mac M1 Max user here. Adding my prayers for this feature asap

Same frustration here! I am an architect/landscaper working on a new MacBook Pro M1 Max and just bought your software. One of the fastest portable machines in the world and you tell me it can't support ray tracing? I got Twinmotion especially for this feature, and now I regret it. You should warn Mac users with a well visible note before you let them give you their money.

University here, we have all iMacs (more than 50) and we would like to render with Path Tracer

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Hi there, another frustrated voices over here. I’ve waited almost 8 months to get my 16 inch MacBook Pro M1 max either highest specs specifically to use make use of the new added features in Twinmotion specially the Path Tracer only to get big disappointment when discovered that it won’t work on my nearly $4800 machine .. honestly I felt that a got scammed from both sides .. I don’t want to shift from the Mac devices and I like twinmotion and don’t want to look for alternatives..

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Hi, Everyone with Apple Silicon devices in your hands.

Good news to share with you!

It seems that UE5.1 is going to support Apple Silicon natively.

Maybe Twinmotion 2023 will work great on your Macs, and Pathtracer might be useable too.

Here is the Unreal Engine public roadmap---

Unreal Editor Native Support on Apple Silicon:


YEAH :) !