when turn on path tracer, some lines show on wall surface. what is that? how can i remove this?

스크린샷 2023-04-12 172653

hi, the same thing that I have, I have also the same problem after the new update and the strip problem show after the pathracing active, I try everything to fixed it because maybe about my file but it comes the same nothing happen still encountered the vertical strips on my drawing, anyway I'm using Archicad 25 and datasmith for link


Thank you for reaching out in the community, please know that this is a known issue that we are currently investigating.

In the meantime, please try the following:

  • Adjust the Camera > Near clipping slider
  • Enable Depth of field and adjust the DOF settings.
  • Ensure that the model is close to, or centered on the origin point(0,0,0) in it's original software
  • If you are needing to scale the model, it may be helpful to do so in the original software before importing as well

Best Regards,


I have the same issue while using path tracer, but, unfortunately, any of your pieces of advice doesn't work. Hope Epic Games will solve this bug as soon as possible, or we simply will be forced to change our rendering software...