Hi guys, I am currently working on a local multiplayer game in Unreal. The first thing that I got done was the player selection - upon pressing a button, the id of the player controller that was used to do that is recorded and stored for later inside of the game instance. Everything’s good here.
But when I try to Open a new level and set up the shared camera with Set View Target with Blend, things go crazy. If I don’t have controller 0 possessing a pawn, the camera that I want to assign to the rest goes to origin as if it’s not there at all. I’ve debugged it a number of times but to no avail.
Right now my solution is to always spawn player controller 0 (with real mesh if the controller has been selected for the game or with a pawn when the controller has not been selected for the game).
My question is, when should I set the view target with blend? Right now I do it after the level starts, I go through the spawn locations and after each spawned character, I assign its player controller to have the same view target.