Adding minimal reproduction and additional context, it seems to add a strange delay to sliding normally, and also completely breaks jumping and landing into a slide (shown in attached video).
Minimal reproduction verse device:
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
respawn_device := class(creative_device):
AllPlayers := GetPlayspace().GetPlayers()
if (Player := AllPlayers[0], Fort := Player.GetFortCharacter[]):
RespawnAgent(Result: elimination_result):void=
if (Agent := Result.EliminatedCharacter.GetAgent[]):
Agent.Respawn(vector3{X:=0.0,Y:=0.0,Z:=32.0}, rotation{})
Video showing sliding out of jump before vs after verse respawn:
This is the only thing that is holding back the gameplay in our maps, we have been getting complaints for months now and all we can say is that we are waiting for a fix from Epic. Please pay attention to this bug.
I experienced disabled sliding on my map for over 2 months, but I wasn’t aware it was because of a custom respawn logic. I always thought it was just another one of the random UEFN bugs. Hopefully, it gets fixed someday.