I made a character rig in Maya 2024 using Advance Skeleton. I then exported as an FBX and imported into UE5. However, when I try to import my character, it get stuck on ‘preparing skin asset (0)’. in the corner it says 100%, but still never completes the task. Hope someone can help!
Not sure if you found this- but this worked for me: https://forums.unrealengine.com/t/importing-fbx-files-into-content-drawer-freeze/1226581
Worked for me was :
- Open the Content Drawer
- At the Content Drawer, click Right Button on the FOLDER you want to save this assets
- Select the ‘Show in Explorer’ Option
- Then Copy+Paste your asset at this folder by Windows
- Back to Unreal
- Unreal will open a popup saying that ‘Source Content File has been detected’ and will ask you if you want to import it.
- Click Import
Ps. if your asset has textures and materials as Packed Source files, Unreal will ask if you want to import it too, click import if you want, then done!