When importing a new character with rig into UE5, it never loads and gets stuck on 'preparing skinned assets (0)'. How do I solve this?

I made a character rig in Maya 2024 using Advance Skeleton. I then exported as an FBX and imported into UE5. However, when I try to import my character, it get stuck on ‘preparing skin asset (0)’. in the corner it says 100%, but still never completes the task. Hope someone can help!

Not sure if you found this- but this worked for me: https://forums.unrealengine.com/t/importing-fbx-files-into-content-drawer-freeze/1226581

Worked for me was :

  • Open the Content Drawer
  • At the Content Drawer, click Right Button on the FOLDER you want to save this assets
  • Select the ‘Show in Explorer’ Option
  • Then Copy+Paste your asset at this folder by Windows
  • Back to Unreal
  • Unreal will open a popup saying that ‘Source Content File has been detected’ and will ask you if you want to import it.
  • Click Import
  • DONE

Ps. if your asset has textures and materials as Packed Source files, Unreal will ask if you want to import it too, click import if you want, then done!