Importing .fbx files into content drawer freeze

I am atempting to import a character from mixamo into the content drawer in doing so the program is frozen and stuck with ‘Preparing Skinned Assets (0)’ at 100% compleated. I have no idea how to solve this issue. I redownloaded the character becuase I thought the .fbx files was empty essentaily saying the ‘(0)’ was meaning there wasn’t anything it was importing but same issue. Another strange thing is the program is frozen but when i go to force quit in task manager it doesn’t statew that it is unresponsive although I cannot do anything in the program at all. Been searching for a resolve for this for a few days and I just want to be able to import characters haha I am new to unreal engine and am enjoying the learning process.

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I also ran into the exact same problem. I just tried to directly cut paste the fbx file in the content folder from outside and ran the project. It will say to import the missing files or something and imports the fbx file without freezing. Try it for yourself.

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I have the same issue. The workaround works in principle. However, I want to import Character Creator Characters. So I need to import them via Reallusions Auto Setup Plugin. The problem also occurs when the Auto Setup Plugin is disabled.

Hi everyone, I also had the same problem, I created a character with a rig in blender and when I imported it into UE5.21 it worked, I made some changes in blender and when I reimported into UE it’s freeze in Prepared Skinned Assets!
I solved the problem by reassigning the vertices to the bones and the problem (Prepared Skinned Assets) was solved for me! I hope it can work for you too