When i try starting a session it says it found disallowed object type, any ideas?

Didn’t work but thanks anyway

Thank you!
I got a validation error caused by an Item Granter Device that I created as part of the Team Elimination Game tutorial.
The weapon granted by the device was the “Basic Sword L1”.

This post helped me resolve the error by switching to a different weapon.

For anyone else experiencing validation errors please use this method to find the actors causing the issue:

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I have the same issue but with me these assets are the ones that make up my map, they are Blueprint Actors which house control rig and spot lights and are used for my light show. Which is made using sequencer. Any idea why it’s not liking these as to remove these removes my complete Idea for what I plan.

LogValkyrieValidation: Display:     Found disallowed objects /SecretAgent/Imported_SKL/GenericStageLights/Blueprints/Test_StageLight_Base.Test_StageLight_Base_C
LogValkyrieValidation: Display:     Found disallowed objects /Script/Engine.InheritableComponentHandler
LogValkyrieValidation: Display: Found disallowed objects for asset Content/Imported_SKL/GenericStageLights/Blueprints/Test_StageLight_Base.uasset
LogValkyrieValidation: Display:     Found disallowed objects /Script/FortniteGame.UserOptionDefinitionStringMetaData
LogValkyrieValidation: Display: Found disallowed objects for asset Content/Imported_SKL/GenericStageLights/Blueprints/Test_WashLight.uasset
LogValkyrieValidation: Display:     Found disallowed objects /SecretAgent/Imported_SKL/GenericStageLights/Blueprints/Test_StageLight_Base.Test_StageLight_Base_C
LogValkyrieValidation: Display:     Found disallowed objects /Script/Engine.InheritableComponentHandler

i got the error: LogValkyrieValidation: Error: [16] Found disallowed object type /Game/Balance/Physics/Materials/PhysData_Foliage.PhysData_Foliage when trying to start a sesion
so i tried to look in the outliner and i to maybe find it but i didnt can somebody pls help or just give some tips on how to get rid of it

Do you have an item granter that grants a melee weapon? Try to put in a range weapon and try again.

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Hi @viyo1708

I believe this is a known issue with the Basic Sword being added to certain devices like the item remover at the moment. We’re working on a fix. Thanks!

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I have this error… : (

Found disallowed objects /CRD_PlayerSpawn/Materials/M_EnemyRangeVisualization.M_EnemyRangeVisualization

I found a temp solution to this. Go in the outiliner and select the object incriminated, then details and then find the “disallowed property” in my case it was a material. Click on the “reset” arrow. You’ll notice that nothing will change because it’ll re-apply the same thing but… somehow it fixed it for me.


what if the object doesnt even exist

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Thank you so much for this cool tip and explanation. I am also experiencing this bug so glad I now have a way to search for the actual actor in the Outliner that is causing the issue.

For anyone else who needs an additional step to this advice, not all actors have names. If there is no name for your .uasset file, you can paste the numbers and characters after the / and before .uasset

Example - here’s one of my errors LogValkyrieValidation: Display: Found disallowed objects for asset Content/__ExternalActors__/Capture_The_Flag/8/XJ/O3IDILUT35VK4E6RI2V2T2.uasset

In this case you would just copy the O3IDILUT35VK4E6RI2V2T2 and paste this into the Outliner. Hope that helps!

Looking forward to a fix for this bug soon but thanks again.

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what if the object doesnt even exist

I get this a bit if I had it in a group at some stage (groups are broken rn). If a broken item was ever in the group - it will continue to throw the error (even after it was removed) until you delete the group (or actor that it was attached to).

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We keep getting this issue on assets where we have changed the textures for.

I found, when you go into the Game feature data and then into Experience data and then into Map data that one of my indexes was still on an old safe of the same map without the updated Texture wich caused my problem

I have this error, but it is from the devices classes itselF, not from instances. It doesnot make any sense

		 Referenced By /ChessGunGame/_INT/Playsets/PID_ChessGunGame
Found disallowed object /CRD_PlayerCounter/_Verse/player_counter_device.player_counter_device
		 Referenced By /ChessGunGame/_INT/Playsets/PID_ChessGunGame
Found disallowed object /CreativeCoreDevices/_Verse/hud_message_device.hud_message_device
		 Referenced By /ChessGunGame/_INT/Playsets/PID_ChessGunGame
Found disallowed object /CreativeCoreDevices/_Verse/timer_device.timer_device
		 Referenced By /ChessGunGame/_INT/Playsets/PID_ChessGunGame
Found disallowed object /CreativeCoreDevices/_Verse/pulse_trigger_device.pulse_trigger_device
		 Referenced By /ChessGunGame/_INT/Playsets/PID_ChessGunGame
Found disallowed object /CreativeCoreDevices/_Verse/item_granter_device.item_granter_device
		 Referenced By /ChessGunGame/_INT/Playsets/PID_ChessGunGame
Found disallowed object /CreativeCoreDevices/_Verse/button_device.button_device
		 Referenced By /ChessGunGame/_INT/Playsets/PID_ChessGunGame
Found disallowed object /CRD_CinematicSequence/_Verse/cinematic_sequence_device.cinematic_sequence_device
		 Referenced By /ChessGunGame/_INT/Playsets/PID_ChessGunGame
Found disallowed object /CRD_VolumetricRegion/_Verse/damage_volume_device.damage_volume_device
		 Referenced By /ChessGunGame/_INT/Playsets/PID_ChessGunGame
Found disallowed object /CRD_SentryDevice/_Verse/sentry_device.sentry_device
		 Referenced By /ChessGunGame/_INT/Playsets/PID_ChessGunGame
Found disallowed object /CRD_GameEnd/_Verse/end_game_device.end_game_device
		 Referenced By /ChessGunGame/_INT/Playsets/PID_ChessGunGame
Found disallowed object /CRD_PlayerSpawn/_Verse/player_spawner_device.player_spawner_device

I simply migrated a Synty character pack into this project and now UEFN say that a skeleton from the pack is referencing something in the engine. Any ideas on a fix?

Did you find a solution to this?

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Imported my Creative 1.0 Map into UEFN, Its an amazing Zone wars map. Immediately got these errors. PLEASE HELP

LogValkyrieValidation: Error: Found disallowed object type /CRG_Props/SetupAssets/FX/NS_Waterfall_Splashes.NS_Waterfall_Splashes, Referenced by:Content/ExternalActors/HotLavaZoneWars/4/R5/HKKF6HZU0F2CGTZAYPK0H9.uasset,Content/ExternalActors/HotLavaZoneWars/5/DS/8F1WLF6MBS6N19NPBQY6DI.uasset,Content/ExternalActors/HotLavaZoneWars/F/2C/EU9ZQSSO96F49A06F3WDDL.uasset,Content/ExternalActors/HotLavaZoneWars/8/8A/AZBOP9HYEA4QV6DDL69Z85.uasset,Content/ExternalActors/HotLavaZoneWars/3/SF/P5S3PD3P3ML5GHUP9IKBP4.uasset, Plugin mount point:/HotLavaZoneWars.
LogValkyrieValidation: Error: Found disallowed object type /LaunchPadItemGameplay/Items/LaunchPadThrown/Trap_LaunchPadThrown.Trap_LaunchPadThrown_C, Referenced by:Content/ExternalActors/HotLavaZoneWars/D/3B/3QGNR96R1CAJAZASH1K9MT.uasset,Content/ExternalActors/HotLavaZoneWars/6/RF/D80PYKRDWJHQQP97HJ9XAD.uasset, Plugin mount point:/HotLavaZoneWars.
LogValkyrieValidation: Error: Found disallowed object type /Game/Creative/Maps/Islands/105x105/Tropical/LavaCrater_Island_105x105_LevelInstance_4.LavaCrater_Island_105x105:PersistentLevel.BP_Creative_Player_Spawner_Prop_C_UAID_027723C1EA27E58A01_1251252249, Referenced by:Content/ExternalActors/HotLavaZoneWars/2/VO/AFMJTZ2T2T42NQL5DUNZ0S.uasset, Plugin mount point:/HotLavaZoneWars.

LogValkyrieSummary: Project HotLavaZoneWars failed to update