When i put the material into the particle system, it becomes a square grid

When I put my material for some reason it became a 2D square with the picture, why did this happen

you need to set the particle scaling to X/Y where X/Y is how many horizontal and vertical images on that texture.
in cascade, on the particle that is emitting this go to the “Required” module > Sub UV section > inpterpolation method > linear/ lin.blend > sub images hor/vert > amount of images on texture has horizontally/vertically.

you will also need a sub image index to make the sprite animation play.
if sprite animation loops, can also use a subUV movie to make it fps dependent. (quite cool)

if you dont want so manu images to happen, two things could be the case:

  1. in the material your texture coordinate node is set really high on U/V
  2. the SUB UV section in the required node might be set to something else than “none” and/or has a weird value in the sub image hor/vert. amount.