When I play in creative - map : game FREEZES and crashes !! (after 1 minute - all the time)

Hello, I have a problem since the last 2 updates: when I play in creative - map like bed destruction / after 1 minute, the game freezes and crashes all the time (see screenshot) // when I play in battle royale: no problem, everything OK! // I uninstalled everything, cleaned it, updated it, nothing worked: the problem comes from Fortnite, not my PC! And that’s only on creative cards. THANKS.

I did all the steps, still the same problem in creative / I also updated the INTEL graphics drivers

The problem comes from Fortnite:



Is it possible to report the problem to the developers?

Thank you so much :')

PS : I use performance mode – all was fine before the 2 last updates - all is OK for battle royale

Same. they know about it I am sure. Its crashing so bad it deleted all of my FNC galleries, devices, asssets, materials, and textures from the content browser. Backing up wont fix either. It was the Engine that lost all the devices, then they popped back in. but they were deleted from all of my projects, devices and all. Every project. It said repair but source control couldn’t. Posted a new issue on the bugs and reporting. They know about it i am sure. They fixed it

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Hope they fixed it, because it’s very annoying when it comes from Fortnite - and not your computer / because you can’t fix anything :frowning:

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Also not coming from performance mode - i try all the possibilities graphic, same problem

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Im having this issue also. Spent over a month making this map. I thought it might be because of the memory limit but im not sure. Maybe its processing too many things at once.

Since 29.20 my game is crashing all the time, mostly when going to the menu from game. Last log in Fortnite logs is: “CollectingGarbage”

:joy: Instant classic