When using the light map, there are huge gap according to options.
Especially, If we select Stationary for DirectionLight Mobility with low Lighting Resolution, result shadow seems like some incomplete figures. So with low resolution, we’re using Static light instead of Stationary light.
Is this normal? Or Is there an option to improve quality with low resolution. Or any advice for us?
We would appreciate your reply.
This is expected. Stationary directional lights are a hybrid between dynamic lighting and static lighting. With the directional stationary you have the option to set the Cascaded Shadow Map (CSM) distance so that when you’re within so many meters of the camera view the static lighting (used in your images) will use dynamic lighting for better quality up close.
These shadows, aren’t necessarily meant to be seen up close like this and is pointless to use softer shadows like with Static only.
Try selecting the Stationary Light and in the details panel locate the Cascaded Shadow Maps tab > Dynamic Shadow Distance StationaryLight. By default it is disabled and needs to have a value of 1 or higher to work. 1000 = 1 meter.
Try using a higher value and see if you get the results you’re looking for. If you’re beyond the CSM shadow distance and it reverts back to the static baked lighting, you may want to increase the shadow quality and rebuild there to make the transition better or more natural.