Wheel: Spin & Turn


I have been working on my own vehicle blueprint WITHOUT using the provided wheeled-vehicle setup, and have essentially everything I require except one issue I am encountering.

I have the front wheels of my vehicle set to spin faster/slower depending on how fast the vehicle is moving, but one issue I am encountering is THEN being able to have the wheels turn left/right to visually reflect the direction the vehicle is turning.

Would using a Skeletal Mesh with animations to make the wheels face left/right with an Anim Blueprint be the best bet? I don’t want to start digging in to a new Anim Blueprint if I don’t have to…

Hi, there’s a Node called “Transform (Modify) Bone”. There you can add a yaw rotation to your wheel. You would plug your “State Machine” (wheel spinning…) into the “Component Pose”, set the “Bone to Modify” to your wheel bone and plug your wheel rotation into the rotation input.

Thanks for your reply! I wasn’t using an anim blueprint before but am now. Adding that node did the trick, for the most part!

Now the only issue I’m encountering is: I’m using Normalize (To Range) and Lerps to start from a set turning force and gradually lower the turning force so that the vehicle can’t turn as sharply when at full-speed. Because of this I believe, when the Normalize+Lerp gets to the lower-end of numbers (when the vehicle slows down) the numbers go crazy and mess up the wheels big time. :\

I figured out a quick fix for the time being haha. I added a Clamp to the end of my Normalize, and now there’s no bouncing above the -1min/1max limit I set. :slight_smile: