What version of Light Propgation Volumes are we at now in UE4?

The twitch stream today (a great one for both programmers and rendering people) pointed us to this link from Lionhead Studios, who have been working on improving the LPV system.

Are their changes integrated into the public or source UE4 yet? LPV’s still feel very much like an experimental feature, especially as we are enabling them via command lines and code changes.

Is Lionhead working exclusively with dynamic lights? No baking at all? If yes then internally it’s in a very functional state.

What I mean is, I’m trying to figure out if their changes to LPV’s have been implemented publicly yet.

Hi TheJamsh,

The original quote from the Blog:
“A word of thanks also to Epic for their work integrating this into UE4. One of the great things about Unreal is its flexibility. With full source code access, it’s been possible to really tailor the engine to our game’s requirements.”

This appears to be a post about what Lionhead was able to achieve by having Epic start the foundations of the Light Propagation Volume and they have used source to get the most out of it for their needs. We do not have access to the changes they have made within the engine.

If you take a look at the Trello UE4 roadmap you will see that LPVs are currently backlogged.

Thank you!


I believe some of UE devs stated that you’re collaborating with Lionhead on this matter, i may be wrong though.

And here’s the quote from gamasutra article:

Hi Tim,

If you look at the powerpoint presentation attached to the card “Parrell Rendering Implementation”, The final slide says “– LPV improvements (Lionhead doing great work here, have artists giving us feedback internally)” to round out the feature set, and this certainly isn’t on the backlog, it’s the highest-voted tab in rendering.

So, I just wondered what was going on with it. Thanks :smiley:

Hi TheJamsh,

There are things that are continually being worked on. This may be one of the things but it may not. With the Trello UE4 roadmap this is a way for Epic to be more transparent in its development efforts with the engine and to take feedback. This does not necessarily mean that just because it’s voted more than anything else that it will be moved to the top of the list. There are many other considerations that go into the development.

I’m sure at what point it will be iterated and improved but for now it is listed on the backlog list.

Thank you!


Ah I see! I thought that those things were prioritized, that’s cool though! Thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

That’s too bad! I was really looking forward seeing this tech pushed.

Wasn’t LPV labeled for June/July or do I remember wrong?

I’m pretty sure it was.

Hi guys,

Right now LPV is labled as “Wishlist/Backlog.” The trello account only lists color coded months up til Septemeber. Some things are only listed till August. There is the likelihood that some of the backlogged things will start to be updated on the board as those months roll on by. The Trello board is an indication of where things are going and a relative time frame they will be completed or implemented more fully.

Let’s look at LPV for instance. It’s really just in an “Experimental” form right now which, as you may have seen Michael Noland explain about Paper2D, this means that it’s possibly being added to or worked on but it’s unsupported in the sense that it’s not being tested fully. It may break from build to build because of this. 4.2’s release broke some things with Paper 2D that Michael was able to fix and put up on GitHub for source users.

Keep an eye on the Trello board and UnrealEngine.com for any updates that may be coming along. In the Forums we post in Announcements our Engine News when we’ve added new features and updates that are coming soon.

Thank you!


Any news? On Git, I see this commits… “updated LightPropagationVolume (from Lionhead Studios)”

Ive applied these updates to my 4.8 branch available on github. The updates include: Directional Occlusion, Spotlight support, Less Light Leakage, and some other things.