What to do when having a major bug upon releasing ?

So this is a real question, it’s happening to me right now

Because playtesting is not enough, I often find new bugs the day that I release the game, and they’re often major bugs.

So my question is about the algorithm, we don’t know much about it, so do someone knows what the best solution is here, should we :

  • Unlist the map > Resolve the bug > List the map again
  • Resolve the bug while the map is live (and being fed by the algorithm) > Release an update
  • If unlisting is a better choice, can we go to sleep before resolving or is it better to resolve as fast as possible ?

It’s really vague on what we should do, so I assumed that you guys gave some sort of player pool to each map and that unlisting should not impact your growth (because I feel like it would be the right thing to do on your side). But I’m wondering.

Thank you for your feedback. While I cannot guarantee a response, I can confirm that this has been forwarded to the appropriate team.

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in my personal opinion, delisting should be reserved for large problems only…depending on the severity of the bug is how I would base the desicion. Game breaking bug= de list, inconvenience bug= fix live…and this is based off of my experience with discovery and my speculation as to how it functions but delisting appears to almost completely reset any progress made into the algos visible side

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Well I delisted at 50 CCU because my map was unplayable.

I unlisted 1 hour after releasing so I hope the algorithm gives me more players :smiling_face_with_tear:

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I have been in similar situations, high stress forsure! Hope it gets back up there after implementing a fix!

edit: This could potentially be mitigated if we had playtest bots to out disposal! I cant believe i have not heard others want this feature…

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Haha funny enough, it’s actually one of the first things I asked for on this forum (Spawn an AI that acts as a player) but :person_shrugging:

Thanks for your answers though :pray:

Great question!
Our team is invested in thorough testing before the release, but real players love to break things and find creative ways.

My map was in discover only a couple of times. Every time I would join to play with random people and try to identify issues.

I prefer to record the replay so I can try to reproduce in game mode in uefn session with logging on and try to fix or log a support case attaching the logs I collected.

Recently my map was broken by the update, I simply disabled some events (missions) so the map is playable, and then I plan to address or wait for the official fix.

I think we all would benefit from crashlytics or similar tools to help us monitor and address issues.

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Thanks for your answer, well my bug is on the core game loop so I cannot remove it.

I had it happening once in playtest but rarely and were unable to reproduce it, but it seemed to happen consistently yesterday, well now there’s no more players so idk anymore :smiling_face_with_tear: