What scale to use when building a toyification set?

So I am a total beginner to VR development, as well as game development. I just started playing with UE4 last week, and found it to be very intuitive, and actually got something going that I am impressed with.

So the game I started building is a top down view, as if you’re looking at a model set. I began using the standard scale, 1UU=1cm, which made perfect sense, just scale down all my models. Well, this started becoming a problem, cause when you scale animations, meshes, particle effects, things become very tricky to get back to normal. Unless I am doing it totally wrong, and there is a tutorial to do it the correct way. Biggest issue I have is scaling down a Fire Particle to 0.1, still don’t know how to do it right.

So I figured, why not blow the real world up 10 x, and leave the model set at normal scale. This way I can build the model set with everything in 1.0 scale, I just have to blow up the real world that is viewed around me.

Is there any disadvantage to making the world 10 x bigger, performance loss? My scene takes place in a room about 12ftx12ft. So I guess my room in UE4 will be about 120ftx120ft, but will feel normal in VR because everything is scaled large.

I am building a similar “toyified” experience as well. I am scaling up instead of scaling down. Is working for me.

Cool, I’ll scale up and see how that goes.