Hi, I encountered an obstacle while following instructions from “XboxOne.pdf” document titled “Getting Started Deveoping for XboxOne”. I don’t have few options in Batch Build that are listed in point 5 of the document. The missing ones are:
- ShaderCompileWorker, Development Editor, x64
- UnrealFrontend, Development Editor, x64
- [ProjectName], Development, Durango
I think that names of configurations have been changed lately, as I’m using UE 4.15 and I have different ones. That’s what I’ve on a list instead (only similiar names):
- ShaderCompileWorker, Development_Program, x64
- UnrealFrontend Development_Program, x64
- [ProjectName], Development_Editor, Durango
- [ProjectName], Development_Game, Durango
The main problem is [ProjectName], should I choose Development_Game, Development_Editor or both? Is it save to assume that Development_Program is replacement for Development_Editor in ShaderCompileWorker and UnrealFrontend? Or does the problem lay somewhere else?