What is the relationship of components, variables, functions of an Actor Blueprint and Event Graph from C++ standpoint?

Though I have a basic knowledge of C++ language and I’ve been using Unreal Engine for quite a long time but I feel uncertain what happens behind the scenes of an actor blueprint, specifically the relationship between its components, functions, variables and Event Graph
I always assume that (let’s take a character Blueprint BP_ThirdPersonCharacter for example):
(1) “the GLOBAL character BP” is “a GLOBAL C++ class (or equivalent)” that inherits from all sub classes (which are indeed sub blueprints - which will instantiate components (in the picture) )
(2) adding functions is just like adding functions for the GLOBAL BP (or class) above.
(3) the same logic for adding variables, meaning adding variable members for the GLOBAL BP/class.
=>meaning (1), (2), (3) seem to matches C++ standpoint 100%

+But what about the Event Graph, what role it plays from C++ standpoint?
+Any answer that points out I was wrong anywhere would be also great help :slight_smile:

Event graph is somekind of container or workplace that can has node group as a source code. That is just like cpp file with different extension, but what those do is same as cpp… Yes. in the aspect of programming, that has no meaning. Only set of nodes inside there can have a meaning. There are “Event nodes” in the event graph. Those are entry point of each group of nodes. In fact, those can be converted within node group in the event graph and function graph, if there is nodes with limitation. Some nodes can be exist in the Event graph but not in function. Maybe Epic of past thought that this format would be looked eisier to people who begin to learn - One large note, that includes some simple groups with not many nodes.

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thanks for your help Hyanier :slight_smile:

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