What is the proper model UV layout for UE4?

I use blender to make most of my models. And I use blueprints when It comes to Unreal 4 with custom textures and normals, etc. I seem to have some texture errors though…sometimes they overlap or what not…but if in Blender I use the smart unwrap theyd don’t but then honestly the model isn’t textured perfectly

Does anyone know of a good tutorial I could watch or something that would enhance my knowledge with this so my models come out with correct texturing??

thank you. :slight_smile:

I would recommend you to take a look at some unwrapping tutorial, because with smart uv you just create lightmaps for your 2nd uv channel. Otherwise you have to use the 1st uv for your textures. On the picture you can see a uv for a grass models.

Yea this is something I need to learn. I have trouble finding the right tutorial for this matter but I will continue searching
thank you.

Probably this tutorial helps you: ?v=obB9T3jXlak It shows you how to create uv maps with a pretty simple example.

Hi AttemptD,

There are a lot of tutorials on YouTube if you search “Blender Unwrapping Tutorial.” I don’t have any real experience with Blender but I work in 3Ds a lot. The unwrapping process should not be different in the concepts. Even if you watched a video of how to unwrap in 3Ds , if you take away the concepts they are using you should be able to do something similar in Blender.

As stated above these are some key points to keep in mind:

  1. You’ll need to have two sets of UVs - the first for your texture and the second for your lightmap
  2. On your lightmap channel make sure that your UV islands are not overlapping as this will cause incorrect shadowing on your mesh when lights are baked.

YouTube Blender Tutorial Search (Link Here)

Another good resource is World of Level Design’s UV layout tutorial (Link Here)

Alternatively you can always check out the UE4 Forums (Link Here) for some help or information.

I hope this helps!

This is all excellent info. Perfect!

Thank you all for your help.