What is the latency between different screens connected to the same machine while using nDisplay

I have a two display setup and can see considerable latency between rendering on left vs right. Is this normal?

Hey @HariNomad, I’m trying to figure out nDisplay myself. I have 2 instances of nDisplay running in the same computer but wasn’t able to render to different physical displays. Can you please let me know if you were able to do that? in case you could, I would be very happy to help you figure out the latency issue you are experimenting as I will need to solve that also.

I wrote a post about my issue.


That is true for the master node in relation to the slaves as far as I observed that with my 8 window application.
There is a workaround if you need that for research purposes for example and an additional window doesn’t matter to you:
Add an additional node to your config file and make this one your master. Once you started up your cluster, you can just simply turn off rendering (console: show rendering) and the two slave nodes should be perfectly synchronized .
