Hello, I’m working on a little big project.
At some point, I noticed that the FPS was noticeably low.
I’m using Unreal Engine 5.1,
and most of my meshes are using nanite. (including foliage)
Also, shadows on foliage such as grass are not visualized.
I typed in the console message “Profilegpu”,
I was able to check the GPU visualization tool.
The “Scene” has a latency of 16ms, so I tried to figure out what the problem was.
However, adding all the elements included in the “Scene” of the GPU visualization tool does not exceed 12ms latency.
Does anyone know what the blank part marked with the red square in the picture below is?
※. This is what the GPU visualization looks like for the entire level
※. This is what
Basepass looks like. The delay time of “basepass” is visualized as
5ms delay time, but the part that can be checked in the actual visualization tool is less than 1ms…
Is there anyone who can help with this?
Can you click it? I think it’s actually nothing ( I also have something like that ).
Nothing is selected when I click!
I can’t figure out exactly where the problem is, so it’s difficult to optimize…
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Focus on improving the bits you can click 
Is the only way to increase the speed of “Basepass” while using Nanite is to reduce the polygons of the models?
Sorry for not knowing much about rendering…, 
What is this?

is that basepass?
This is the part you need to work on.
What is your fps and GPU spec?
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Yes, that part is Basepass.
The inside of the parts is made up like this.
The whole “Basepass” shows more than 5 ms, but
Details don’t come out even 1 ms like the picture below…

I’m using an i9-10 generation CPU, and I’m using an RTX 3080 GPU.
It’s almost impossible to tell what’s happening in someone else’s scene.
The pieces of ‘basepass’ should add up to the total, have you sorted descending?
Click here ( twice probably )

Thank you for continuing to pay attention.
As you said, when you put the pieces of ‘Basepass’ together, the total should appear.
Howaver, Right now, GPU visualization tools don’t show it that way.


Hmm, it does look a bit like something is not getting registered.
I have no idea unfortunately.
The only ( very unexciting ) things I can recommend are
Use ‘studio’ drivers, not gaming
Verify the engine
Troubleshoot is ‘old school’. Remove everything from your scene. Is it ok? Then put one thing back, then another etc until the frame rate drops. You can find the suspect this way. ( disable autosave first ).
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Before doing the solution you gave me, I noticed something strange…
Do you know what the “unaccounted” in the picture means?
That doesn’t show up in GPU visualization tools.
Shown only in “stat gpu”.
It has a maximum latency of 10 ms, but without this, you can get close to 90 FPS.
Hmm… interesting. I was going to say this was a new thing, but a quick google will let you know it’s been around for ages.
This page
say at the bottom
GPU work that isn’t explicitly instrumented will be included in a catch-all [unaccounted] stat. If that gets too high, it indicates that some additional SCOPED_GPU_STAT events are needed to account for the missing work.
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