What is the difference between showing the Non-Retargeted Animation and the SourceAnimation in a Animation Sequence?

Inside the Animation viewport we have the option to toggle showing the “Non-Retargeted Animation” and the “Source Animation”.

For a longer time I thought “Non-Retargeted Animation” would show me the raw Animation before it gets retargeted on the mesh. For the Mesh that I’m displaying the bones inside the first screenshot, I have my Translation Retargeting Options for all bones set to Animation.

With that, no translation retargeting should happen right? Because the translation comes from the Animation. But as you can see in the first screenshot, the white skeleton doesn’t align with the beige skeleton (non-retargeted animation).

So I thought toggling the grey “SourceAnimation” skeleton shows the raw animation, but it doesn’t. I had a look at the Content Examples 2 project where they display Translation Retargeting Options and the “SourceAnimation” is aligned with the Retargeted Animation (standard white).

What exactly does “Non-Retargeted Animation” and “SourceAnimation” show?

Update: I had a look at it again and the Non-Retargeted Animation pose acted as I thought it would. It shows the same pose as the normal pose when every Translation Retargeting Option is set to Animation.

I think the reason why there was a different in the Description above is that I was playing around with the Compatible Skeletons feature. It seems that it’s a bug where the Non-Retargeted Animation isn’t showed correctly in combination with the Compatible Skeletons feature.