What is the correct way to possess a pawn in Mutiplayer - First Person Example

When I try to possess a Pawn in Multiplayer as a client it crashes. I’m using the First Person Template.

When I hit a trigger box next to a pawn, I’m supposed to possess it. It does this and works in single player, and in multiplayer as the server. But crashes when a client attempts to possess it.

  • Already have the pawn movements setup (Authority only)
  • Game only crashes when a client tries to possess pawn. But not when server does.

Ok, would that explain the crash? And should I always be passing the value from “Get Player Controller?” (Index 0)

You need to make an event that’s set to Run on Server and pass your player controller as a variable when you call it from the client. In the server event code do the possession using the controller you passed to the event.

For everyone who searching, there might be an answer for this.

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On Overlap