I want to create a non-game application with the Unreal Engine 4. I can’t really go into details, but I want to use engine because of its graphical power and interactivity. Basically, I want to create something like the editor, but for a totally different target audience than gamedevelopers.
Do I build something on top of the engine? Or what would be the best approach to tackle this? I already downloaded the code and now am browsing through it. Anyone some guidelines on the flow of the engine?
I don’t see any difference, the content is just different. I’ve worked on Military Simulations, Training programs for the FBI as well as games, all using game-engines. It is somewhat of word-play calling one thing a game and another thing a program. Making them is the same, you just have a different audience and because of that will make different design choices, the technology is identical.
The thing you need to know is that you can’t give UE4’s Editor to your users, you need to make your own UI and editor tools as part of your program. If you don’t want to do all that you could make your program more of a plugin to be purchased in the MarketPlace where the audience would all ready be UE4 subscribers.
has tutorials that you should look into as he has done a lot of Editor like features.