What is Target Mesh?

I don’t know how to set the Target Mesh on the top blueprint. I believe this is what I need in order to display the polygon on the screen. My breakpoint shows that on CustomPolygonChild I am correctly returning the values from my C++ code, but they aren’t showing because I don’t have a target mesh. Please help.

Bumping this as I still need support on this question.

I also feel confused for a couple of days but figured out, hope this answer may help latecomers. Target Mesh has different meaning in the 2 image you posted.

The first one is a parameter of a blueprint callable function, what you need to pass is UDynamicMesh ref in Dynamic Mesh Component, you can get this by calling Get Dynamic Mesh

In the second image, Event On Rebuild Generated Mesh is actually a blueprint implementable function, which has a single parameter called Target Mesh, which will be called internally by GeneratedDynamicMeshActor, passing the pointer of Dynamic Mesh holding by Dynamic Mesh Component. See GeneratedDynamicMeshActor.cpp for more.

Best way to make this clear is to have a glance on code :slight_smile: