What is Is String Pulled

hey there , i have a question, i want to know what is is sting pulled node in Navigation Path ?
i know what is is partial but i can’t figure it out that what is is string pulled?

No-One ? :slight_smile:

"Finds the straight path from the start to the end position within the polygon corridor.

This method peforms what is often called ‘string pulling’.

The start position is clamped to the first polygon in the path, and the end position is clamped to the last. So the start and end positions should normally be within or very near the first and last polygons respectively.

The returned polygon references represent the reference id of the polygon that is entered at the associated path position. The reference id associated with the end point will always be zero. This allows, for example, matching off-mesh link points to their representative polygons.

If the provided result buffers are too small for the entire result set, they will be filled as far as possible from the start toward the end position."

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