The problem started when I wanted to investigate the role of FObjectInitializer
这个问题起源于我想要研究 FObjectInitializer 的作用
Here is an English translation of the image above:
FObjectInitializer::InstanceSubobjects→InstanceSubobjectTemplates→Traverse the RefLink list and invoke FProperty: :InstanceSubobjects functioneach for every property in it → InstanceGraph->InstancePropertyValue→FObjectInstancingGraph: : GetInstancedSubobject
In FObjectInitializer: : InstanceSubobjects functions in such a nested chain,The chain end FObjectInstancingGraph: : GetInstancedSubobject function when I look at the source code feel don’t understand what meaning be.
For FObjectInstancingGraph itself, I would like to ask if there is any great master who knows its function = = There is almost no information about it in the forums at home and abroad, only a sentence mentioned in the UE4document, saying that its function is "contains the mapping of instantiated objects and components to their templates.Used to instantiate components owned by the new object.”
对于FObjectInstancingGraph这个类本身我也想请教一下有没有哪位前辈知道它的作用的= =在国内外的论坛等地几乎完全找不到关于它的资料,只有文档里提了一句,说它的作用是“包含实例化对象和组件到其模板的映射。用于实例化新对象所拥有的组件。”