What would be a good goal for a polygon count for trees, objects, and other foliage to have a game play smoothly? The target recommended graphics card for the game is around the gtx 1070 benchmark. Of course there are plenty of other factors to performance, but if a well versed unreal 5 user could give me an estimate of the types of polygon counts they aim for during environment creation it would be greatly appreciated.
Also, what are some other factors to be wary of when creating an environment that could effect performance, obscure or obvious, that anyone has realized after working on games?
Any and all answers are greatly appreciated,
Thank you
Foliage: Assuming you’re talking about a grass mesh, under 1k.
If you’re using a 1070 ( I had a 1050 until recently ), you basically can’t cover the landscape in grass of trees, of any description. You have to limit your usage to localized areas.
As far other things that will cause performance problems: err… everything.
Keep an eye on your FPS, that’s the most basic rule of thumb. If it takes a dive, you need to find out why.
If its not open world you can go higher
If your char is only able to go certain areas you can go pretty high
but landscape foliage should still be under 20-30k for more detailed trees
and way down for small objects like scatter.
On a fixed size linear level with baked lights the whole scene of what’s in view can hold almost a gig of meshes with lods on a 1060
but you can optimize it more than that
make a level the size of what you are planning with some megascans and see if 2k maps are enough
but in a low poly forest I have a 280 meg for everything stylized low poly forest and it really looks pretty decent in vr
note that Wind on foliage using world position offset will give you bad vr jaggies
the vr does not like wpo wind systems at all!
I had to disconnect the foliage wind on several quixel foliage assets to get good fps.