These days,I have been learning C++&slate programing,I feel so confuse about the mechanism of slate.
First ,I don’t know about the class FSlateStyleSet do? API documentation say:A slate style chunk that contains a collection of named properties that guide the appearance of Slate. At the moment, basically FEditorStyle.
Dose this mean FSlateStyleSet is a collection of styles?
Second, when I learn the sample in wiki
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the following code confuse me so long:
TSharedRef<FSlateStyleSet> StyleRef = FSlateGameResources::New(FMenuStyles::GetStyleSetName(), "/Game/UI/Styles", "/Game/UI/Styles");
Dose this mean a specific directory is designated as a Slate resources set? what dose Slate resources set mean?
I hope someone can explain it clearly for me! waiting for you answer!
Thanks very much!