What CPP files from LYRA can I submit to subversion(P4V)?

I just followed through this Lyra guide and was successful.

I thought this would be a good template to start building from.

With all the content build for Lyra in CPP all the files are around the 400 gb range. That;'s a lot!

I only have about 60 gb on my perforce server. I was able to migrate the Lyra game and its plugin to the Perforce server. I was able to successfully open the build on another PC and successfully run it.

I’m not going to be using code much, will remain mostly in BP land unless I need to convert something to code, or things get messy in BP.

However, I still want to migrate the CPP and the codebase. What files are safe/not safe to upload?
I could just use a P4ignore and have it ignore some folder, not all. The Engine folder alone was about 270 GB

Dang I am silly.

The .p4ignore file did the job of ignoring all the content that didn’t need to go in. I’ll have to test and see if the content I uploaded will be enough for another team member to build on their end.