What causes this vibration effect in this video?

This is for a Sidescroller type game. In the video I show you a quick spin around of the map, and the Camera Actor which has 5 components. A Camera, a sphere collision for positioning of spawning player 00, two Box Collisions that block the player front and back, and another box collision in the middle to overlap the player. The idea here was to give me a small space to move around on the left when the player spawns, but then when moving to the right enough to overlap the middle box collison. The whole camera moves Y+ to move parallel with the player.

But as you will see in the video, there is a vibration or jitter in the mesh. In that Add Actor World Offset node, if I change that Y delta number it alters this effect. Not enough? And the player outruns the camera actor, Too much? And the vibration becomes actual hard jerks shades of the whole side moving wall debacle of the past.

Any idea why this happening and how to fix it? Thanks everyone.

Bump bump.


I haven’t dealt with 2D in Unreal, however, the only thing I can think of is how this relates to elevators. A similar jitter occurred when I was creating an elevator in my project.

So, what is the collision profile of your collisions?

Perhaps you should set it/them to PAWN if they aren’t already.

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Yeah they are set to pawn.

I just had to switch to an earlier project for this, unfortunately the camera actor movement is not working even as good as this one. I will post more about that later.

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Ah, so this is a new, not recurring issue. Interesting.

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I just got it back like it was. Seems when I migrated the middle box it was set to blocking and not overlapping. Ok now I’m back to the mesh vibrating effect.

bump bump

Can you post photos of your collision settings?

Maybe I or someone else can try to recreate your issue. Make sure also to show if physics are enabled.

If you haven’t played around with that particular setting, it may behoove you to do so.

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Camera Actor


Okay, from what I see, your collision presets for both the CAMERA and the THIRDPERSONCHARACTER are set to CUSTOM not PAWN.

Try setting both to PAWN, at least, temporarily. (Assuming your reversion to an earlier version of this project didn’t reset those settings and that you had already done this in the past.)

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Just tryed, didn’t help.

Once this overlap occurs it tells the camera actor to move. Perhaps this could be achieved a different way?

Just tried a new method of propulsion for the Camera Actor and still vibration and blurring of the mesh :(.

You can tweak the values, if low enough it looks smooth and clear but you can outrun the camera actor, too much and when that threshhold is crossed instant vibration and blur. There does not seem to be a sweetspot here.

@Everynone and @ClockworkOcean, would love to hear your thoughts on this and suggestions, thank you.

So, I’ve been thinking, and I wonder if this would work:

Instead of having the camera collision directly interact with the player, use an invisible proxy. This can be another actor.

This actor would follow the location of the player character, but while the collision ignores the player, it reacts to the invisible object following/shadowing the player.

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Ok I’m listening. Can you expand on this idea?

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Sounds like a we’re planning a heist.

Anyway, either attach an object to the player character or assign an actor that will use the exact same vector coordinates as your character. Then make sure that the camera’s collision ignores the player character but not the ghosting actor. If the invisible ghosting actor vibrates, it won’t matter, because we won’t see it.

I’m sure you already know how to do this but:

  1. Attach a SEPARATE actor blueprint to your character with the ATTACH_ACTOR_TO_ACTOR node


  1. Use a tick function in the ghosting actor’s blueprint to constantly get the world location of the player character, and to set its own vector coordinates to that.

Of course you’ll have to set the movement response of the camera from the player character to the ghosting actor. But again, I know you know this.

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YES! This is a hostile takeover! I am here to take over Epic Games and sieze all its assets immedietely!!!..mu ha hahahaha".

When I read your last post I really started thinking of other ways to do this…with math…not with box collisions. And to be honest with you I suck with math. But when I can get it to work it usually works out pretty good for me. Now for me, something that always works for me is to pull out a sheet of paper and start scribbling stuff down. I find it is like this for guitar as well. Just playing with fingers on even an electric guitar not plugged in I get ideas, VS starting completely digital and trying to get ideas from within digital.

But here is another method, that seems to work and is clear and not jittery.


Looks WAY better.

If you’re happy with the way it’s turning out, keep going!

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