It is a problem I had awhile back, and thought I had solved it. Thread here (which self locked by now unfortunately).
Its that when the camera actor moves (because of the player reached an overlap or vector line crossed) and thus the camera moves to the right and then and only then, and the mesh then kind of “vibrates” or torques or something while the camera actor moves.
I have tried several methods of propulsion for the camera actor.
F Interp to / set actor location
Add actor world offset (originally worked at one point).
And nothing has worked so far. Any help is appreciated, thanks.
I wouldn’t do it with overlap. You can print Begin/End Overlap events, I’d guess they are constantly being called. When you enter the overlap you move the box, so it ends overlap, so it doesn’t move, but you move forward, so you begin overlap and move camera, and so on, in a very quick succession.
Overlaps are not reliable in such cases, I would do it with math.
Let’s assume you move along Y axis:
Check the character’s Y position and compare it to Camera’s Y position. If Character’s Y is greater than Camera’s then move it. If Character’s Y is lesser, do nothing.
You are right, I am starting to think about doing it all with math and not overlaps for nothing. It seems it is a lot more work in the beginning but feels like it offers more control and it feels much more solid.