What Best Plugin for VR do you recommend? eg. VR Expansion Plugin seems very good and popular

what Best Plugin for VR do you recommend? eg. VR Expansion Plugin seems very good and popular

VR Expansion Plugin is the best most fully featured VR plugin for Unreal. Have used it for years. It supports network multiplayer.
It’s tough for UE beginners though.

why? so how to learn and use it quickly? read the only example code and tutorial in its official website? and maybe some video on the youtube?

and while using it, should try to use C++ more, BluePrint less? or better avoid BluePrint at all ?

so take a example, A and B are both playing, how is the A’s charactor body looking like from B’s view? as from itself, VR player only has 2 hands and 1 head, right?:smiley:

There are lots of stuff for you to learn how to use it. If you are new to UE then be prepared to invest a lot of time. You can use BP for virtually everything, I find I have to use C++ rarely.

Correct. You have to implement the body/arms yourself. There are plenty of resources for you to do this using VR Expansion Plugin.
Good luck!

could you please give me some tutorial or keywords to search ?
just think about it a little while, it should be complicated to sync all the getsture of A from B’s view. eg. From A’s own VR view, A can grab anywhere and finger is adjusted on the object’s surface, this is all VR and it’s all from VR Exp. However, from B’s view, B can see all A’s body, and now A is thirdPerson, Take a simple example, A’s own VR view A can move each finger, can grab, etc. BUT all of these VR gestures should be sync to the gestures of the related 3rdPerson Charactor from B’s view, right?