are two stone-textures (for rocks, caves, pathways,…) I made today. First one is 2048x2048, the other is 2048x4096 pixels, last pic is how the second texture looks ingame so far.
Materials include diffuse-, normal-, height-, and roughness -map so far, set up with a world displacement using the heightmap.
&stc=1&d=1482922811 &stc=1&d=1482922817 &stc=1&d=1483020635my troops wish you a happy new year!
(a new defensive wall system with staircases inside towers)
Working on a few 3d model assets for our upcoming game and decided to take it a little further. Added Physics simulation along with a variable speed dryer speed. 5.0 speed didn;t work out very good but happened to cue with one of the blocks jumping out XD.
Finally getting the weapon builds to load on the client side from the players save data. With few assets and still needing to get started on the character creation to really push making the character the players own. As well as a more direct joining game needs to be set up at the same time.
&stc=1is really great! How did you manage to achieve those shadows? Could you write a tutorial?
It is a post-process effect, so the shadows are already there.
I could create a tutorial, after I’ve fixed some things.
looks like we are all getting really good! lol, well everyone, everything looks great!
Demo V2.6 available
An upcoming horror game called “Lunacy”
Always busy and never really sharing anything…So is something
One of my ArchViz works.
HEILSTÄTTEN First Teaser Trailer
Hey folks, I’ve been working on a indie game for about 2 years, and I want to share small teaser from the game…
Heilstatten will be a game about fear, and how we deal with it. You will control an urban explorer that go to Beelitz Heilstatten explore, and find out some really bad things happening there. Somehow he involves himself with some events that dificult him to leave the place, and the player will have to find a way out of that situation.
For more informations about the game:
I’ve been working on a vehicular based strategy game that incorporates real time 3rd person and paused overview modes, similar to the likes of Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising. The name I’m running with is Project Hades.
I recently uploaded a video and a few screenshots to my IndieDB page: ://www.indiedb/games/project-hades.
I also make updates on my channel and blog:
Working on something for the marketplace.
I plan to make a survival game with stylized graphics with the Unreal Engine. A month ago I stopped interested in graphics and started to take care of the codes. However, I do not mind if I throw a picture .