What Are You Working On? Community Screenshots & Videos

Hi there. Im working now on new map for LOKA game ://steamcommunity/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=610883592

is a WIP of center city.

8k Screenshots

2k Video

is . You’ve got to release a tutorial for .

Hi is my game Save Our Souls. I’ve also uploaded a video with game play and a new character, A.I system, updated environment asset art. Please it if you have a minute.


Lots of great things ; I wish I reached that level of expertise! For now, I’m just learning how to use Unreal4.11…

I hope you’ll bear with me! :slight_smile:

is my project!top down arcade shoot´em up set in fantasy dungeons.


Trying to do some retopology, now its my only method to create assets. Pyramid Head remake=)

Ok, so I played with the post-processing and I think it finally looks good.


We made a quick GIF for the day and night cycle!


Testing our police response time and AI behavior while terrorizing the neighborhood :slight_smile:


Yes oh, i like the slomo, because it’s cool for watching/hearing stuff closely, while happening. :slight_smile:

It looks gorgeous , what did you use to manage time of day and clouds ?

After months of labor while pushing the capabilities of the unreal engine 4 to it’s absolute limits, I have created the most ultimate Rock, Scissor, Paper game in existence! Featuring such cutting edge technologies such as Clicking on Button© and Not Properly Using GUI© and somehow manage to compress the project down to no more than 250 megabytes!

Setting the timescale to several times the normal one, I’d say. We can manipulate the timescale in UE, can’t we? :wink:

Custom decal actor (blueprint derived from decal) which has a material that makes decals able to be masked using the stencil buffer with depth testing to prevent artifacting.


I also added normal-based blending so they fade out depending on the direction of the normal.

First post on forum. Hello everyone!
Have some really awful no-context screenies from my first project.


Android Hunter A Updated Screens




I’m making a Btooom! based game. Looking for Artists(3d model, rigging, animating). Our team has verygood progress. Networking, Team select lobby, all current necessary replication including damage / stamina. Pm me for more info. :slight_smile: The screenshot is 1 month old.

Few things my bro put together.




Eye from my cubinator


Soo happy :slight_smile: