What Are You Working On? Community Screenshots & Videos

Surikain Fury, an Action adventure Hack n Slash/ 4 player Coop story that I have been working on for 17 years and now that i have a small group that is willing to work with is helping me make my dream a reality


Hey guys ! Just wanted to stop in and show you " WinterTide "

Our greenlight is currently active and if you are feeling generous I could really use a Yes vote :slight_smile:


Alot of and beautiful projects on , Keep up the great work guys !

~ Stay Frosty :smiley:

Testing out light and dark mechanics for the mobile game Pokkit Quest!

Screenshot of our character in engine.

more in our thread

Marsh territory creation

more work on an old scene:

Some samples of a little something-something I’ve got in the pipeline:

Obviously, or at least I hope it’s obvious… the title of the game is not “Title blackout” :stuck_out_tongue: Rendered out the first of many, umm… accessories:

In the promo sample, the events I am referring to happened :

An excerpt from the ~30 page audio script (again, the script actually doesn’t say redacted… maintaining some resemblance of a media blackout during development:

So we have a horror, -viz, and VR cross-mix. Sounds like a match made in heaven if you ask me :smiley:

I’m hoping will be a “mandatory pick up and play”, as the script makes several “honorable mentions”, such as Room 217 :wink:

On a side note, I bought a few of the horror packs on the market place to see if they’re usable… sadly, they’re not :frowning: Looks great on a monitor, but oh how you can spot the bad stuff when you hop into VR. It seems that everything that is “wrong” always pops out, like you mind and eyes just naturally gravitate towards the things that are not “right in the world”. For anyone making assets for VR, you need to be picky about EVERYTHING. Every little detail, no matter how small, needs to be perfect (or imperfect. Perfect 90 degree edges do not happen in the real world). The vertices on that hook were modeled to the closest zoom possible in 3ds (sub nano-meter?)… so close that you have to drag for a few seconds to reach the next vertex.

Alright so… spent the day on

I like it, maybe add those godrays from the particle demo too.

@unit23 Yes ofc. Light shafts , particles and fogsheets are all in the list :slight_smile: … The scene is still WIP and you can check out the progress .unrealengine/showthread.php?89066-Castor-WIP

Love Docking Bay 94 :smiley: So much detail! I like how you added the top walkway with the control office as well.

I’m Making a MMORPG - VRMMORPG game which is Dungeon Art Online. I will add screenshot but not now. :slight_smile: You Have to Wait.

WIP so far in my spare time on the Theed Hanger from The Phantom Menace, some materials are just basic for now. Then it’s onto designing the outside area.


is beautiful ! I am in shock how well you are portraying the Star Wars universe - Keep up the great work !


is a interative table set.
It has been exhibited in Design Week Tokyo.


Puzzle game I showed a while back, slowly learning the art of materials in Unreal Engine 4, but still struggling with a strange (known) rounding error when the pieces are spawned, (i.e should move 50 units down in Z but moves 49.99999 and therefore doesn’t sit correctly. Everything was created in blueprints and a 2 player has sort of been created.


And a very basic scene created in about 20mins for a friend who wanted to mess around in a recreation of The Matrix Online, again all in blueprints from the 3rd Person Template. Features camera zoom/rotate and most of the other MMO style controls.


Some Impressions of my first ever UE4 Game ‘Bombmania’. It will be a ‘Free - For -All’ Shooter Game. WIP, Early Stage Map Layout

another scene from Adventure-X



The Lantern. It will light your way but it will not protect you!