Nice work everyone! Medieval pack is looking sweet!
Meanwhile I’m working on getting some of my older experiments out to the community - made a hologram effect with some custom depth culling during Unreal 4 Beta along with some other materials that use Custom Depth so I am writing an article about it to explain how you can use it for your own .
A few weeks back, I wrapped up work on a 5-day level design challenge, and my final result was titled Desert Oasis: .unrealengine/showthread.php?30132-Desert-Outpost-A-UE4-Scene
Additionally, I recently wrapped up a small blueprint study which can be found in more detail : ://millansingh/312004/4349964/projects/ue4-blueprint-study-security-clearance-demo
For now, I will leave teaser image to encourage you guys to click on the link above.
Pretty much working on my Escher-esque game, Relative Madness.
The material depends on the rotation of the object, as I’ve asked some of the UE dev’s whilst at pax, you can’t access the lighting pass in materials… sigh.
Made a start on some new content for my tutorials on github. Since I built some SW:TOR inspired fresnel lighting during beta and never did anything with it - I figured I should just share it in the tutorial repository.
It’s not uploaded yet, I’ll double check tomorrow if I missed anything - it won’t be a fancy tutorial, just sharing the content for the community.
Looks good, are you rendering to the surface directly? IIRC for Portals as they are in “Portal” you need to render to screensized rendertargets which are not directly drawn to the modelsurface. Which then looks like :
(Did in another WAY simpler and older engine):
Keep me updated on . While i own UE4 since it’s first -Release, i had not much time to work with it and lack basic knowledge which keeps me from doing in UE4.
My first attempt was to rescale FOV and camera rotation on the RT based on relative position to the portal. I might be thinking about it the wrong way - I’d like to get back to in a few weeks.
Yes you do^^. if you render to texture, the user will always see the pixels in closeup and perspective is never correct way.
Basic Concepts:
The Portal renders nothing special. Just a given value for each pixel of it’s surface into a seperated screen buffer(shared by all portals). The Portal itself remains (theoreticall) invisible. The camera which is attached to the portal renders it’s content to an invisible screensized rendertarget. Each portal has it’s unique per pixel value and Rendertarget. A Postprocess runs overall pixels of the shared screen bufer and for each value it finds(Value <> 0) it picks the corresponding invisible rendertarget and drasw the corresponding pixel onto the screen.
Each Camera, which is attached to a portal, MOVES and ROTATES relative to the player camera at the source portal. Playercamera is calculatet to relative position and rotation to the sourceportal, and relative data is then calculatet to absolute position and rotation based on the targetportal.
Because cameras of portals move and rotate, you need to setup a clipplane at the eventhorizon of the given portal for the given Portalcamera. The PortalCamera is usually behind the portal and collides with objects/walls behind it, otherwhise.
If a detailed rundown of is required, or asked by someone, tell me and i’ll see what i can do. (mostly concept presented on another engine implementation as shown in my video above, but no UE4 implementation. At least not yet as i lack knowledge)