What are these artifacts? Triangles on my glass material. Any news on how to solve this?

Has anyone firgured out how to get rid of these artifacts?

I followed this tutorial to get the glass material going.

The Vertex Color painting part was not necessary because I had it setup already. Anyway, the artifacts won’t appear near the edges. Setting the material to “Two Sided” was my first attempt. No luck!

Normals, likely.

I had normals checked, none of them were inverted. I gave it another try before I read your reply, though. This time, I subdivided the original mesh. Guess what? More triangles. Any clues?

holy cow I am having this problems kind of late did you ever find a solution?

Most likely a sorting issue. Those are common when layering multiple transparent objects.
Try to avoid layering multiple transparent objects in front of each other. It’s horrible for performance due to drawing the same pixel multiple times. But if you must there are several ways to deal with this such as Order Independent Transparency.

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Never did. I ended up changing the design.

To solve this triangle artefact for translucent meshes (glass) you have to compute tangents (not normals)
In houdini you add “Tangent” node and export FBX, that worked for me. Also you have to set checkbox in static mesh settings to import tangents too.

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