What are the requierments to sell Archviz Models on Epic's Markerplace (UE5 & Twinmotion)?

Hi everyone!

I would like to know what the requirements are to sell Archviz Models on Epic’s Marketplace.

And specifically, if the models have to be made modular or not.
someone told me that he could get to meet Epic’s marketplace requirements to sell his Archviz models because they had to be made modular.

And also.
Can I use all of Epic’s free/bought (monthly free) assets/materials in the project I want to sell?
As far as I could research from the forum it’s a yes to the last question. But just want to be sure.

And can I sell this Archviz project across all other 3D asset-selling market places?

Would like to know this for both UE and Twinmotion projects.

Hey @E.Isaac1!

For the Unreal Marketplace it is as follows:

Archviz products should be, at minimum, photorealistic in quality and model complexity to qualify for that category. Additionally, if it is just props you will need 10+ unique meshes depending on complexity, and for environments you will need 35+ unique meshes depending on complexity.

Models do not need to be modular unless they are advertised to be so. So if you advertise a modular product, your assets need to be modular. Keep in mind, that if you are submitting a product that is too broken down into smaller pieces but not modular or intended to move, it can be denied for that reason as well.

Only free assets purchased from the Epic Games seller account may be included in submissions and it is very unlikely that you will be able to effectively use any of the free assets as those assets may only be used for demonstration purposes only (you may not base your product on them, use their materials for your models, etc.).

You can find more information about the requirements here:


You can also get more information from Unreal Marketplace Support and Twinmotion Support:



I hope the above is the solution you need!

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Hi thanx for the quick reply!

But I don’t understand this part:
“Only free assets purchased from the Epic Games seller account may be included in submissions and it is very unlikely that you will be able to effectively use any of the free assets as those assets may only be used for demonstration purposes only (you may not base your product on them, use their materials for your models, etc.).”

On one hand this gives me the idea that, yes you can sell it.

But then you explain that “it is very unlikely that you will be able to effectively use any of the free assets as those assets may only be used for demonstration purposes only”.
Which leaves me to think that, no I can’t use them in the projects I want to sell.

I understand that I can’t just buy assets/projects and just re-sell the contents of those projects included in what I want to sell.
So let’s say that there’s a kitchen appliances project available for free during a month. I can’t use some of the assets or materials it contains in a project that I want to sell (like kitchenware, clothes, towels kids toys etc.) . But would be able to sell it if it’s in a game that I want to sell?

But more specifically. Can an Archviz project that I want to sell contain assets/materials from the free available Megascans/Twinmotion assets?
Like the Sports Equipment Pack 1, Posed Humans Sport Pack 1, Megascans Trees, Boats, vehicles etc.
And what about the permanently free assets, can I use materials models from those demo scenes (City Park Environment Collection, Factory Environment Collection, tropical Vegetation: Pandanus Plants etc.)?

Hey @E.Isaac1,

You would not be able to sell products using Megascans, Twin Motion, Etc. on the Marketplace. Nor would you you be able to include any of the permanently free collection as part of the demo assets either. Check out the following from the Unreal Engine Marketplace Guidelines:

2.1.e Sample content from Epic Games must not be an integral part of your product, but used for display or example purposes only.

2.1.f Substantial portions of source code, Blueprints, and/or Material Blueprints from Epic Games must be used for example purposes only.

2.2.b Sellers must have legal rights to distribute all content of the products they submit to and distribute through the Marketplace.

And it’s also explained here in a different section of the seller guide I linked in the last post:


  • Publisher has legal rights to distribute all content included in, or depended on by, the product.
  • The project does not contain copyrighted or trademarked content.
  • Substantial portions of sample content or source code from Epic Games is used for display/example only.
  • Unmodified public domain content is limited to assisting with presentation, and sources are cited in the description.
  • The product does not contain assets that could be considered offensive.

Demo Content

You are allowed to use content for demonstration purposes as long as it meets the following criteria:

  • The majority of the assets in the product must consist of original content with demo content only assisting with the presentation.
  • Any asset/s being sold should not rely on demo content.
  • It is clearly brought to the attention of buyers on your product page via a disclaimer.
  • The majority of the content included in your screenshots must not be demo content.

Acceptable demo content:

  • Any content created by Epic Games and distributed on the Marketplace and Learn Tab for free.
  • Content that you created or commissioned yourself that allows for resale.
  • Public Domain or CC0 content.

Project Dependencies

Products are allowed to have dependencies on other products as long as they meet the following requirements:

  • Description Text identifies any dependencies or prerequisites for use of the product.
  • If dependencies are required, they are available on the Marketplace.
  • Can only depend on a paid plugin if you are also the seller of the paid plugin
  • You may suggest pairing your product with a published product on the marketplace, but your product must be able to function on its own.


I hope the above clears things up for you!

Hi @Quetzalcodename,

Thanx for your reply and effort in clearing this up for me.

I don’t want to be bothersome. But I want to make sure of this one last thing as well.
So it’s clear to me that I can’t just (partially) apply megascans materials on my archviz project to sell them.

I take it that this unfortunately also applies to just using the magasacans material blueprint setup even though I’ve swapped out the textures for CC0 one’s?

But what I could do is

  • make an Archviz project with 100% my assets to sell
  • make a demo animation sequence of this which does contain megascans assets (foliage) as long as I clearly state that the purchased project does not include the megascans assets as seen in the video?

The reason for me asking is. What are the foliage assets that are included in archviz project available on the market place? I imagen that these arn’t all assets they made them selves but also contain purchased assets from other packs (with legal rights to distribute that content)?

I did some more digging, but apparently, this topic isn’t really clear to other people aswel.
here are some others asking this aswell:

Using Quixel megascans in assets - licensed?

Selling Houses that use megascans assets on the marketplace"

Can you use Free Marketplace Assets to Produce Assets to Sell?

Selling games with quixel assets
in this last one this is stated as a short recap:
Why don’t you look at the official sites?

Megascans in Unreal Engine game → OK

Megascans in ANY OTHER Engine → You will need to buy a subscription

Megascans in ANY NON Game Project → You will need to buy a subscription

Is this recap correct?

Maybe it’s an idea to create a separate forum or Q&A for Archviz artist since it looks like this fall kind of in the middle of everything else when it comes to selling assets for UE.

I think that it’s important to differentiate between what’s actually being sold here.
The House model assets and materials applied to them (maybe including furniture/hardware etc.)

But to enrich the scene. Having megascans grass foliage etc is a big plus, but not what’s being sold. People creating games/cinematics are just interested in the House (and maybe all it’s interior) assets and setups ready to go. And most probably for use in Unreal Engine. If not people would purchase a FBX/DEA or whatever format to use outside of UE

It’s kind of a bummer if we can’t use those high level assets to enrich the scene for these purposes.

And if it’s an interactive UE project, which is actually a game them. Would it then be allowed to include Megascans/Twinmotion assets?

I realize that maybe I should make a different topic for these last questions since it’s more related to Marketplace asset usage.

Hey @E.Isaac1,

No worries. Let me see if I can make this more clear.

Megascans in Unreal Engine game → OK

Redistributing Megascans in Unreal Engine Marketplace Product → Hard No

Including Megascans in Demo Video for the assets so long as there is a disclaimer stating they are not included in the UEMP product → OK

Your Models must include their own textures and materials. They can not be sold without them. Any and all CC-0 assets (textures, materials, etc.) you use must be cited and linked in your description as well.

Additionally, you are free to create your own foliage assets and include those in your Arch Vis products and can use them again in your other products (with disclaimer). If you do so, you should still meet the content requirement using new assets, not the demo foliage from the previous product.

For uses outside of the UEMP you would look here: Epic Content | EULA - Unreal Engine

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Hi @Quetzalcodename,

Thanx for clearing everything up.
I’m going to make a new topic referencing these answers you gave me. This should be clear enough for all Archviz Artists/Modelers who want to create UE assets.

The last one bit to clear up.
“Redistributing Megascans in Unreal Engine Marketplace Product → Hard No”

So this also means that I can’t use the Megascans’s material/material instances blueprint setup even though I’d replace the textures with CC-0 or my own?

After this is answered I’ll make a new topic called something along the lines of :
“Can I sell assets in Epic’s marketplace that contain free Megascans/Twinmotion/Demo scenes assets?” with your answers and linking to this threat as well.

Hey @E.Isaac1,

You won’t want to just replace the textures for Megascans materials, but you can use them as a guideline to create your own.

I hope the above is the solution you need!

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Hi @Quetzalcodename ,

Thanx for the info!!

Would selling a interactive archviz project on the marketplace be considered as a game?

Hey @E.Isaac1,

No, distributing assets through the Unreal Engine Marketplace would not be considered a complete game.

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