I am trying to create water using a material network from UE3 and I was wondering what the replacements for reflection vectors and destdepths are in the material networks because they do not work like they used to in UE3 and i am wondering how to do this in UE4. I have attached the picture from my UE4 project on the left and the material network i wanted for water on the right. I have placed circles around the parts that i had the questions on.
You need an “Absolute World Position” node attached to Reflection Vector, and SceneDepth instead of DestDepth perhaps?
The scenedepth warning is pretty obvious. Your material blend mode needs to be transparent in order to use it.
And you need to use a cube map(TextureCube) for the texture node of reflection vector.
Hi Aeson,
Has Mehmet’s advice helped to answer your question? If you are still experiencing an issue, feel free to post an update.