We've detected that one or more of the app bundles included in this release are using the following Play Billing Library versions

Hey there,

I’m just at a closed beta stage.

This is my final error, I don’t know if It’s a blueprint I’ve used or some plugins.
(I don’t have any internal purchases or plugins that I’ve added)

-We’ve detected that one or more of the app bundles included in this release are using the following Play Billing Library versions

I’ve found my build.gradle to update it according to migrate to google play billing page.

But I can’t find anything about play billing library


Ive managed to find my build.gradle in my project folder for unreal but any changes I make are overwritten on build. So it must be somewhere else I have to change it.

Ok ive found the billing area and it says I have 6.0.0, I should be up to date but its throwing errors still.

I am facing the same issue. I have ported a game from 5.3. The abb file generated with 5.3 had no errors, but with 5.4 I get the same error as you. The weird thing is that I have not changed anything related to the ads between the two versions.

I’d be interested to hear if anyone else if facing the same issue or has found a solution.

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I managed to solve the problem by following this post:

Long story short, go to C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.4\Engine\Build\Android\Java\gradle\app and add the following two lines in the dependencies:

def billing_version = "6.1.0"
implementation "com.android.billingclient:billing:$billing_version"

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