Google Play AIDL submission error UE 5.4

Hello, I am new to Unreal Engine and having an issue publishing my game to Google Play. It’s been quite a journey to say the least. After finally getting through the compilation/packaging errors I now have a new issue trying to publish to the play store. The error I’m getting is “We’ve detected that one or more of the app bundles included in this release are using the following Play Billing Library versions - AIDL”. Now I’ve had to learn the hard way that I can’t edit my AndroidManifest.xml directly to just remove the permission (it’s a free game with no purchases) and not finding much information on how to resolve the error. Any help would be appreciated.

A couple notes:

  • I tried to disable Google Play support with no success.
  • My Google Play Billing Library is version 6.

I’ve seen info on the outdated billing library versions but I have not been able to find any information for this exact error message.


I still can’t seem to find any relevant information on this. I was kind of hoping it was something to do with 5.4 still being in preview mode and not official release. I have tried rebuilding it on the updated version that just came out and I still get the same error. The bundle uploads fine without error but when I click to the next page I get the error

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Try adding this code to the dependency block.

def billing_version = "6.1.0"
implementation "$billing_version"

Thank you! That seemed to resolve the error

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