Hi everyone,
I was hoping somebody could help expand on Wes Bunn’s recent Multiplayer tutorials. I have followed and set everything up which is fantastic however I don’t know how to complete some major gameplay problems.
I have created a Player HUD - that draws from Players names so each person has their name displayed on the screen and has a score. Everytime the player overlaps a coin I want to add one to their score. However it updates the HUD on everyone no matter who picked up the coin.
Also how can I distinguish who has hit a trigger. For example I want one player to have the ability to enter a trigger and destroy an actor. I cannot get this to work with particular characters…I can do a general trigger that when it is overlapped the actor is destroyed but how can I use blueprints to find who the character was. I am casting to the Gameplay PC at the moment
Any help would be greatly appreciated…
Thank you,